If you are looking for a beach vacation that is off the beaten path, we recommend checking out Pawleys Island for a scenic and pristine beach trip. Pawleys Island is a great place to relax and take in the ocean, check out many great dining options, and even go shell hunting. We’ve compiled a list of common shells you might find on the beaches of Pawleys Island.
Atlantic Moon Snail Shell
These shells resemble the snail shells you’re probably thinking of. They are spherical in nature and grey or tan in color on the outside and a dark blue or purple on the inside. A predator lives in the Atlantic Moon Snail Shell. These creatures make a hole through the shell of its prey and sucks out the body. These shells can be found up to four inches in size!
Banded Tulips
These shells are spindle-shaped with stripes. They are cream-colored, featuring pink and white streaking. Banded tulips are home to predators who use their tongues to drill a hole in the shell of their prey. This snail is actually edible and has a similar taste to conch or whelk meat. These shells can be up to four inches in length!
Calico Scallops
These shells are classic fan-shaped shells that can have brown, red, or maroon streaking on an off-white colored shell. They are about three inches in width and 1.6-2.4 inches in height. These shells belong to the bivalve class, meaning they are two-shelled mollusks.
Coquina Clams
These shells are smooth and usually less than one inch in size. They can be found in an array of colors including purple, pink, blue, and yellow. Live Coquina Clams burrow into the sand close to the shoreline. These clams have short siphons that allow them to feed on plant material. These shells belong to the bivalve class, meaning they are two-shelled mollusks.
We hope that this list is a great guide for identifying different shells you may find while you enjoy the beaches of Pawleys Island. We please ask that you are respectful of the beaches and live animals by releasing live starfish, live sand dollars, and shells with live animals still inside of them back into the ocean. After a day of shell hunting on the beach, we hope that you will join us for a delicious dinner and a good time here at Pawley’s Raw Bar. Click here to view our sister restaurants, employment opportunities, and/or purchase gift cards for your next visit.